The 1 OCEAN Foundation
©La Caz'A Productions
A major scientific exploration project at the service of the Ocean
1 OCEAN is an international scientific exploration project led by photographer Alexis Rosenfeld with UNESCO alongside the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) ('the Ocean Decade') .
Nos objectifs : explorer l’Océan, le comprendre par la science (phénomènes, écosystèmes, espèces) et émerveiller le plus grand nombre afin de contribuer à préserver l’océan.

"The future is in the hands of those who explore... and from all the beauty they discover as they cross ever more remote frontiers, they develop an infinite love for nature and for man."
Jacques-Yves Cousteau
Our values
Explore, Understand, Captivate
The three founding principles of the 1 OCEAN project answer an urgent need: that of highlighting the full extent of the wealth hidden beneath the surface, and thus raise awareness on the need to protect this exceptional common good. For Alexis Rosenfeld, leader of the project, 1 OCEAN is first and foremost a great testimony of the Ocean: "In view of our environmental concerns and the dangers threatening the Ocean, bearing witness is today a necessity. Our ambition is to redefine today's consciousness and, above all, to help build tomorrow's."Enchanting people and making them love the ocean will naturally guide us towards preservation."

L’exploration scientifique est le point de départ d’une meilleure compréhension de l’Océan. Pour élaborer des stratégies de conservation efficaces, il est essentiel de mieux comprendre les écosystèmes, les espèces, les phénomènes naturels et l’impact de l’Homme sur le milieu marin. En mettant nos compétences de plongée et de production audiovisuelle au service de la science, nous participons à cette indispensable mission de protection de l’Océan.

A l’aube du XXIe siècle, les évolutions de la photographie, du cinéma et des appareils de plongée nous donnent les moyens d’explorer autrement. Ces avancées techniques nous permettent de redécouvrir aujourd’hui des sites méconnus, de poser un nouveau regard sur l’Océan et d’offrir au grand public une autre vision de notre planète.

“On aime ce qui nous a émerveillé et on protège ce que l’on aime.” Cette phrase du commandant Cousteau décrit, mieux qu’aucune autre, l’immense force de la dimension affective. En racontant nos missions à travers nos plus belles images, nous souhaitons rapprocher le grand public de l’Océan et le lui faire aimer, pour le convaincre de le préserver.
Content creation, a central element of the 1 OCEAN project
The 1 OCEAN project presents itself as a witness to the Ocean as it has made the creation and broadcast of audiovisual content one of its greatest strengths. The exploration missions are the subject of photographic production, documentary films, interviews, exhibitions and, above all, an adapted communications program (social networks, major media, etc.) to pass on knowledge of the Ocean to the greatest number.
Thanks to a team made of great audio-visual professionals but also of experienced divers, 1 OCEAN produces never-seen-before images. For Alexis Rosenfeld, underwater exploration is entering a new era: "Today, technological progress allows us to explore, for the first time, places hidden from the rest of the world. Technological developments in photography, cinema and diving equipment allow us to explore in a different way, to rediscover little-known sites and to offer a new vision of the ocean”.
Collaboration with world-renowned institutions
Depuis sa création, 1 OCEAN porte les valeurs de l’UNESCO en participant activement à la recherche scientifique et en diffusant largement la connaissance de l’Océan. Nos missions d’explorations permettent au grand public de découvrir des lieux exceptionnels, véritables trésors de biodiversité, dont beaucoup sont classés au patrimoine mondial de l’humanité.
Nos missions sont également le résultat d’une collaboration de longue date avec les équipes scientifiques du CNRS. Nous mettons nos compétences de plongée et de production audiovisuelle au service des chercheurs pour faire avancer la science. Reconnu pour son apport à la science, 1 OCEAN est officiellement devenu la Fondation 1 OCEAN sous l’égide de la Fondation CNRS en 2022. La Fondation 1 OCEAN a lancé en juin 2022 son premier programme scientifique : « L’arche de Noé des profondeurs, un avenir pour la biodiversité? ».
The 1 OCEAN Foundation
The 1 OCEAN Foundation under the aegis of the CNRS Foundation was created in 2022 by Alexis Rosenfeld, John Jackson and Claire Monchauzou. Sheltered by the CNRS Foundation, it benefits from its advantages, particularly in the administrative and legal sectors, while keeping possession of its operational autonomy. More specifically, this status enables the 1 OCEAN Foundation to receive donations and legacies. The CNRS Foundation benefits from the same tax advantages as a foundation recognized as being in the public interest. It has also established links with TGE (Transnational Giving Europe) to enable European donors to benefit from tax reductions in their own countries.
Pour faire un don via le TGE, suivre ce lien et sélectionner le projet « 1 OCEAN ».
Aux Etats-Unis, le 1 OCEAN Fund a été créé afin de permettre aux américains de soutenir le projet 1 OCEAN tout en ayant les réductions fiscales sur leurs impôts. Pour plus d’information, vous pouvez contacter Kevin.
The Strategic Council
La Fondation 1 OCEAN dispose d’un comité stratégique dont le rôle est de donner une direction aux actions de la fondation. Il est composé des trois membres fondateurs (John Jackson, Claire Monchauzou et Alexis Rosenfeld) ainsi que de plusieurs personnalités des mondes de la science, de la culture et de l’environnement :

Matthieu Guevel
Director of Communication UNESCO
"Since the beginning of the 1 OCEAN adventure, UNESCO and the Foundation have been closely linked. This strategic council is an essential lever to ever strengthen the reflection and impact of exploration missions at the service of scientists for Ocean Conservation"

Michel Mortier
Research Director
Director General of the CNRS Foundation
"Alexis Rosenfeld's professional experience in scuba diving has led to several collaborations with CNRS teams, notably during deep dives in the Pacific and South Atlantic. The collection of photographs or short films captured during these dives feeds the researchers' databases and sometimes leads to the discovery of little-known biological systems. The CNRS Foundation is delighted with the creation of this new foundation under the aegis of the CNRS."

Serge Planes
Director of Research CNRS CRIOBE
"Joining the strategic board of the 1 OCEAN Foundation is a continuation of the work I've been doing with Alexis Rosenfeld over the years to make research and scientific discoveries more accessible to the general public and decision-makers."

Patricia Ricard
President of the Paul Ricard Oceanographic Institute
"Behind every project and every advance there are courageous and passionate men and women.
I think it's wonderful that the 1 Ocean Foundation has the ambition to highlight the commitment of those who have turned their beliefs into a collective awareness."

Philippe Vallette
Founder of Nausicaà, Oceanographer
"Exploring how marine life and its ecosystems are born or reborn with 21st century tools will lead to new scientific discoveries.
These innovative means will enable us to communicate like never before, to convince the public and decision-makers to protect the potential of the World Ocean to secure our future."
Team 1 OCEAN
The richness of our team lies in its cross-generational nature and the diversity of its profiles. Our aim is to ensure that transmission is at the heart of what we do.