« 1 € pour l’Océan ». Pour la toute première fois, vous pouvez participer avec seulement 1 € par mois, à une action collective concrète et vous engager pour l’Océan.
There's no such thing as a small donation. With just €1, you can help us fund exploration projects, support scientific research and improve our knowledge of marine ecosystems.
Thanks to exclusive photos, videos and information, each and every one of you will be able to take part in a modern exploration program, while helping to protect the ocean in your own small contribution.
Beyond the financial aspect, one of the major objectives of this campaign is to create a real sense of community around the Ocean. With this in mind, and unlike traditional donation campaigns, "1€ pour l'Océan" aims to enable donors to play an active role in the project: donors will be able to direct their donations towards specific themes, programs or missions of the 1 OCEAN Foundation.
We all have a role to play.